Do you already know about Crystallotherapy, the properties of different stones and their benefits on mental and physical well-being?

First of all, when we talk about Crystallotherapy we mean the holistic discipline that tells and explains how to positively affect certain aspects of our lives through the use of specific stones.

But there is much more behind this word. So get ready to discover a fascinating world in which the use of specific crystals enables us to heal body and mind.

Crystallotherapy - Chakras illustrated with natural crystals and pendulum

Crystallotherapy - Chakras illustrated with natural crystals and pendulum

Origins and history of Crystallotherapy

Ancient philosophical and alchemical accounts deliver valuable confirmations of how minerals have been used for healing purposes since the dawn of time, and by many cultures-Celts, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians...all the way to the Chinese tradition.

Even as far back as 1600 B.C., it appears that the earliest evidence regarding the therapeutic abilities of stones and crystals is contained within an Egyptian papyrus.

The earliest scholar to have delved into the subject by devoting himself to careful studies of Crystallotherapy in general was Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher who lived about 400 years before Christ.

Healing stones and crystals

Healing stones and crystals

Crystallotherapy: what it is and how it works

The pursuit of harmony is an important life goal always and for as long as I can remember, but in this "particular" historical period it is certainly a little more so.

Too often, in fact, modern society simply focuses on the visible and the tangible, neglecting deeper dynamics that are extremely fundamental to individual well-being.

From India and Eastern countries come to us these valuable and very ancient practices through which each of us is able to rebalance our energy field.

For this is what it is all about: achieving a better state of mental and physical well-being through the targeted stimulation of natural energy resources that we already possess but that-at certain times in life-we need to modify or rebalance.

Lithotherapy with crystals

Lithotherapy with crystals

According to Crystallotherapy, each of us has our own energy field, and this interacts with the outside world to the extent of influencing both our mind and our physique. Crystals and stones, in turn, give off purifying energies that our bodies are able to absorb: from this special interaction arise precisely the benefits associated with this practice.

The basic concept of Crystallotherapy involves humans being able to assimilate and transform energies through the Chakras, energy centers that intercept, metabolize and release back outward the life energy we mentioned earlier.

Any examples of properties of stones that can be used for Crystallotherapy? There are relaxing stones, Crystallotherapy practices related to depression or fertility, and more.

For Insights Read: The Stones of the Seven Chakras

Therapy through the use of crystals

Usually the choice of stones is guided by needs related to the contingent moment that the person is going through at a particular stage of his or her life.In fact, the stones used in Crystallotherapy have very specific valences and meanings, and they should be selected with great care and attention so as to obtain the maximum benefits from their use.

Anxiety, stress, insomnia-these are some of the ills that can be treated with this methodology, as well as in the case of other problems related to a contemporary lifestyle that often forces us into intense rhythms, often "hyper-connected" due to an increasingly widespread and branched use of technological devices, with little time available to be outdoors and immersed in the green.

Healing session through Crystallotherapy

Healing session through Crystallotherapy

City life, then, contributes to further amplifying these kinds of dynamics, negatively impacting our emotional and physical well-being.

Healing interaction with crystals can occur through various modalities:

  • you can wear them; wearing a necklace or a mala so that each material can be used as a vehicle of positive energies, both for the body and the mind. Every stone, but also every wood or seed, is capable of having a benevolent influence on the wearer and can be used to improve the mental and physical well-being of the person who chooses it.
  • Place on the part of the body with respect to which a specific effect is desired (tends to be at the Chakras);
  • you can use them during meditation;
  • Finally, you can place them under your pillow before going to sleep.

The properties of certain Stones and Crystals

Let us delve together into some of the most well-known and widely used stones.

Rock Crystal

Rock Crystal, also known as Hyaline Quartz, is one of the most commonly used stones in Crystallotherapy and is chosen because of its benefits to the mind and spirit. It is mainly used to work on the seventh Chakra-the "crown chakra," which teaches us to distance ourselves from the past in order to immerse ourselves in a positive, mindful present.

It is used to lower fever and relieve headache pains, but also to cleanse the aura and harmonize with the universe and others.

It also amplifies the energy of other crystals.

Quartz-tipped necklace

Rose quartz

Known as the "love stone"-this crystal has countless properties, involving both body and mind.

It has numerous devotees, who use it mainly to intervene in their emotional sphere.

It helps to achieve good self-esteem and full self-acceptance, but also to get rid of daily worries and overcome suffering that we have been carrying around (and inside) for a long time.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Pink quartz mala and Fatima hand

Black tourmaline

This stone comes to the rescue to protect us from electromagnetic fields; therefore, it is a beneficial presence that is perfect to integrate into our modern daily lives. The advice, in the case of this crystal, is to place it next to PCs, TVs, and wi-fi and other technological devices.

Besides protecting us from electromagnetic waves, it also influences against negative energies and thoughts.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline


It is an excellent meditative stone as it leads to intense introspection. It facilitates concentration and efficient thought processes, strengthens intuitive abilities, helps keep the memory of dreams alive and facilitates their interpretation.

From a physical well-being perspective, however, it helps relieve stress and tension (e.g., migraines).

Mala in amethyst

Mala in amethyst

Mala in amethyst and rutilated quartz


Here is another stone among the most famous and used-for example, as a talisman. It promotes introspection and protects against negative energies, and is also capable ofprotective action against very specific physical conditions, such as in the case of expectant mothers.

Recommended to accompany everyday life due to its ability to improve memory by enhancing it.

Mala in Indian Agate

Mala in Indian Agate

Citrine quartz

A perfect stone to pair with amethyst. Together, they help balance male and female energies. In fact, it is a suitable stone for stimulating fertility, both in a physical and spiritual sense. It helps the happy outcome of a project (personal or business) and gives energy and vitality.

Citrine quartz pendant

Citrine Crystal

Citrine Crystal